First-class refurbished with an AI/PM Report

Our First-class refurbished Agilent GCs, HPLCs and GC/MS systems come with an AI/PM Report (Analytical Instrument Preventative Maintenance Report), which gives you the assurance that you have purchased a refurbished system that is like NEW again.

Labrecycling Analytical Instrument Preventative Maintenance

With Analytical Instrument Preventative Maintenance, Labrecycling preventively renews spare parts that are subject to normal wear mechanisms. In this way, the impact on your sample load will be minimised. In other words, future failures are remedied, before their official schedule, through our AI/PM test.
An AI/PM test involves quality performance tests with traceable values. In the AI/PM report, you can find out what, when and  which component was renewed.  

Labrecycling can guarantee through the AI/PM Report that you are buying a First-class refurbished system.

NEW Result Sample Run Rapport NEW

When you choose to buy a First Class refurbished HPKC or GC of Agilent you get a Result Sample Run Rapport. This will guarantee you, that you will get the best of the best.

First-class refurbished Agilent HPLC, Agilent GC or Agilent GC/MS 

  • Exterior cleaned
  • Inside cleaned
  • Defective parts are replaced by new parts
  • Frequently used parts, which are subject to wear and tear, are replaced preventively.
  • Tested and comes with AI/PM Report
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